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Rajput Travel
Rajput Travel
Timings: 13:45 - 19:30

Duration: 05:45

Fare: Rs. 1000

If you are planning to travel by bus from Chowki Samahni to Lahore, we suggest considering this service option from Rajput Travels. They offer an air-conditioned bus that departs at 1:45 PM from Chowki Samahni. The bus route takes approximately 6 hours to reach Lari Ada Lahore at 7:30 PM via Jandi Chontra, Bhimber Ada, Bhimber Bypass, Thutha Rai Bahadur, Gulyana, Lalamusa, Gujrat, Gujranwala, and Murike. The ticket price is around 1000 rupees but it is subject to change. To get the latest details on fares and timings, you can contact them at 0315-0343011.